

衞 生 醫 護 研 討 會 2017


場 刊 及 投 影 片

場 刊

相 片

影 片 - 關 於 醫 療 衞 生 研 究 基 金

主 題 演 講 :

  • Research on Noncommunicable Diseases (簡 介) (影 片)
  • Systematic Development and Evaluation of Complex Interventions to Improve Health: A Route to Success? (簡 介) (投 影 片)
  • Big Data in Health and Medicine: Issues and Challenges (簡 介) (投 影 片)
  • What is mPossible? Leveraging Mobile Technology for Community Health and Global Health Systems (簡 介) (投 影 片)


專 題 環 節 :

1 - Health and Health Services

  • In-depth Cost-effectiveness Study of the Multidisciplinary Risk Factor Assessment and Management Programme (RAMP) of the Hospital Authority (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Sustainability of Treatment Effect of a 3-year Early Intervention Programme for First-episode Psychosis in Hong Kong (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Lifestyle Intervention in Obese Chinese Adolescents with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: A Randomized Controlled Study (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Chinese Herbal Medicine (MaZiRenWan) for Functional Constipation: A Prospective, Double-blinded, Double-dummy, Randomized, Controlled Study (摘 要) (投 影 片)

2 - Advanced Medical Research

  • Autonomic Dysfunction as Measured by Ewing's Battery Test to Predict Poor Outcome after Acute Ischemic Stroke (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Uncovering Resistant Genes in EGFR-mutated Lung Adenocarcinomas Prior to Targeted Therapy (摘 要)
  • Persistence of Ciguatera Fish Poisoning and its AssociatedNeurological Manifestations in Mice (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Uncovering the Genetic Lesions Underlying the Most Severe Form of Hirschsprung (HSCR) Disease by Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS): A Pilot Study in 8 Family Trios (摘 要) (投 影 片)

3 - Health Promotion

  • Promotion and Brief Intervention of Smoking Cessation at the Smoking Hotspots (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • “WE WRAP”: An Innovative Empowerment and Education Program for People with Mental Health Challenge and Young People (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • A Geographical Study of Child Injury in Hong Kong: Spatial Variation among 18 Districts (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Every Women Counts - Cancer Prevention amongst Ethnic Minority Women (摘 要) (投 影 片)

4 - Infectious Diseases

  • Efficacy of Combined Influenza and 23-valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccines in Patients with Chronic Illness (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Human Parechovirus Infection in Hong Kong Neonates, Infants and Young Children (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Evaluating the Health Economics of Routine Female Adolescent HPV Vaccination for Reducing the Burden of Cervical Cancer in Hong Kong (摘 要) (投 影 片)
  • Modelling the Impacts of PrEP Intervention on the HIV Epidemic in MSM in Hong Kong (摘 要) (投 影 片)


海 報 環 節 :

參 展 項 目 摘 要

